Message Envelope

The Message type is a high-level abstraction of the ISO-20022 message envelope BizMsgEnvlp and its child elements Hdr, Doc, Ref and SplmtryData.

The Message type provides a builder pattern for constructing a message envelope and its child elements. The Message type also provides methods for serializing the message envelope to XML and deserializing the message envelope from XML.


fn main() {
// Import common types and traits in the prelude
use iso_20022_sdk::prelude::*;

// The `builder` method will return `Message` instance
// after setting default valudes, e.g. envelope namespace
// The initial `Doc` type of the `Message` can be elided
// using `::<_>` turbofish syntax. The compiler will 
// infer the type of the `Doc` based on the `set_document()`
// method.
// If a type is required from the compiler, the `::<Document>` 
// turbofish syntax can be used to specify the enumerable document
// type of the `Doc` element. This value can then be later overridden
// using the `set_document()` method.
let msg = Message::<_>::builder()
    // Setting the type of document is done using the `set_document()` method.
    // In practice, the document type will likely be the result of the document
    // builder for the target namespace, e.g. 
    // `documents::pacs::pacs_008_001_07::Document`
    // The example below uses the default values for the document builder 
    // for the `pacs.008.001.07` namespace.
    // NOTE: document namespaces are feature gated and must be enabled
    // for the example to work, e.g. `pacs` feature must be enabled in
    // Cargo.toml file.



The nvlp.001.001.01 message envelope BizMsgEnvlp is the root element of an ISO-20022 message. It contains the Hdr (Business Application Header), Doc (Document), Ref (Reference Information) and SplmtryData (Supplementary Data) elements.

XML Schema Definition (XSD)

The following snippet is the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for the BizMsgEnvlp element.

<!-- XML Schema Definition (XSD) element -->

<xs:element name="BizMsgEnvlp" type="BusinessMessageEnvelopeV01"/>
<!-- ... -->
<xs:complexType name="BusinessMessageEnvelopeV01">
        <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="Hdr" type="LaxPayload"/>
        <xs:element name="Doc" type="LaxPayload"/>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="Ref" type="Reference22"/>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="SplmtryData" type="SupplementaryData1"/>

Rust Type Definition

The following snippet is the Rust type definition for the BizMsgEnvlp struct.

fn main() {
// BizMsgEnvlp Rust Type Definition

pub struct BizMsgEnvlp<
    A: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    B: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    C: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    D: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
> {
    pub value: BusinessMessageEnvelopeV01<A, B, C, D>,

#[serde(rename = "BizMsgEnvlp")]
pub struct BusinessMessageEnvelopeV01<
    A: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    B: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    C: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
    D: std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + PartialEq + ::serde::Serialize + ::validator::Validate,
> {
    #[serde(rename = "Hdr", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub hdr: Option<LaxPayload<A>>,
    #[serde(rename = "Doc")]
    pub doc: LaxPayload<B>,
    #[validate(length(min = 0,))]
    #[serde(rename = "Ref", default)]
    pub r#ref: Vec<Reference22<C>>,
    #[validate(length(min = 0,))]
    #[serde(rename = "SplmtryData", default)]
    pub splmtry_data: Vec<SupplementaryData1<D>>,
    #[serde(rename = "@xmlns", default = "namespace")]
    pub xmlns: String,


The Message type is a wrapper around the BizMsgEnvlp type. It provides a simplified interface for interacting with a BizMsgEnvlp instance.

Example BizMsgEnvlp Instance

Using the Message::to_xml method, the Message type can be serialized to XML.

fn main() {
// Create a `Message` instance
let msg = Message::<Document>::default();

// Call the `to_xml` method to serialize the `Message` type to XML
let xml = msg.to_xml();

<!-- Example XML Instance -->
<BizMsgEnvlp xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:nvlp.001.001.01">
        <!-- Business Application Header (head.001.001.03) -->
        <!-- Document (ISO-20022 Message) -->
        <!-- Reference Information -->
        <!-- Supplementary Data (Generic Type) -->